Aiden Man!

Aiden Man!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Plagiarism! What do I think!

"What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?". This is a question that I was asked for educational purposes. If I created a work, either writing or even a piece of art work, I would feel hurt if someone claimed it as his or her own. I also believe that others would feel the same way! Especially in the "written" world! There are writers that have sat and thought out some of the most amazing stories! Take for example J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books. It took a long time and a very unique imagination for her to think up that plot, spells, and not to mention all the characters! If someone were to have taken her idea, today it would be like robbing a ton of banks! Look at the publicity, not to mention the money she has made! So, when I think of my ideas or any one who has put in the time and effort into a project, I want to remember that it is not my work. I also want to have my readers recognize that my work is backed by different authors and be able to search and find them. This will help me as a writer by showing I give credit to other authors as well as found credible sources to support my work.

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