Aiden Man!

Aiden Man!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Peer Reviews...

     So, this week in school, we are looking into peer reviewing. Me personally, I like getting peer reviewed information! I like taking advantage of free help! I know that when I am working on something, day in and day out, my mind is familiar with information that I am learning and reading. This is a good thing as far as memory, but when it comes to writing out a paper, I can see how this can be a problem. When I go back and read my paper, my mind can put in place what I am wanting my paper to say, but not pick up on what is actually written! That is why I love for someone to read my paper and find mistakes or give me some suggestions on how to make it better or make more sense. My experiences with this have been pretty much the same. I can take criticism and even if it sounds like they may be hurtful, I always keep in mind that this is written and they don't know me personally so, more than likely they are just having a hard time writing helpful tips. But when I go to help, I am so scared that I am going to hurt someones feelings! So, when I go back to read what I wrote them, it is like a book in itself! I make a point to say I am only helping and I am not wanting to hurt your feelings. Which is true! I want my classmates to get out of my post what I take out of theirs!
     One of the topics we are asked to discuss,"Ah-ha moments", yes, I have had some! When I read a peer's paper about epilepsy, I read that 70% of people with this disorder can live normally as well as reading that a large amount can actually overcome it! Which was great news for me since my sister has just been diagnosed! Also, in my research, as I have said in other blog posts. There is so much information that is out ready to be found on ADHD! One of the more resent Ah-Ha moments was when I did my post-outline of my paper. I didn't realize how my information was not the way I wanted it! My paper had the information I wanted it to have, but I actually left a lot of it out and I did not see until I made an outline of what was in my paper! There hasn't really been anything shocking or intriguing yet, but I am sure I will see in the future some amazing things! Something that I am not understanding is how this blog works. I am not sure if I just haven't looked at enough peers blogs, but I could not find where any one else has posted for our class yet! What's up with that people! I need to see what is going on and how you feel about peer reviews!LOL! I know it is probably the holidays that has everyone messed up and "running late" just like me!

1 comment:

  1. Amberlin - you can find the links to classmates' blogs on the Blog Board in each Unit in the classroom.
